Apple Rings Honey Cinnamon (70g)


So knowing that honey is a natural preservative, she dipped the apple rings in our raw honey and dehydrated them, they were so delicious and she was so inspired that she created a new range of products, later adding  cinnamon to the honey and eventually chopped almonds. Being a coconut lover she then tried honey, coconut and vanilla and later on our Malted Carob (carob, vanilla, barley malt and a little fructose -not the bad stuff which is high fructose corn syrup) You can also use our Malted carob as a replacement for hot or cold chocolate drinks and for making the most delicious homemade ice-cream. See Mary-Ann’s Malted Carob for the recipe

Now we have 5 kinds of apples rings and this later developed into another range called apple crumbles. Great for nibbling on or sprinkling on fresh fruit salad, muesli or porridge. Enjoy our unique apple products knowing they are good for your body, the environment and your soul.

These almond rings are Mary-Ann’s absolutely all time favourite product – we hope you enjoy them as much as she does.

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We live within a few km of the biggest apple growing region in South Africa, which is where we source our apples.

Mary-Ann decided in 2011 that she needed to do something creative with a huge glut of organic apples we were given. Drying them as they were, seemed too boring – besides dried apples go brown and very hard within weeks.

Weight 0.07 kg
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