Carrot Cake Mix (1kg)


Ingredients: Mary-Ann’s Gluten-Free Self-Raising flour (rice flour, psyllium husk, guar gum, cheakpea flour, cream of tartar, bicarb), fructose, carrots, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, flax & salt.

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Instructions – Add the following

  • 3 cups plant milk
  • ½ cup olive oil/vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar

Method: Soak carrots in the added ingredients for 10mins, gently blend with cake mix. Divide cake batter into two prepared cake tins & bake for 40-45 min at 180°C. Do toothpick test before taking cake out of oven. Cool & enjoy with icing of choice, or try 1 cup of each dates and cashews soaked in water for 30 min & blended until smooth with vanilla. Ice and decorate with pecan nuts.

Weight 1 kg
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